Five Fun & Festive Ideas for a Happy Halloween!

Social Skills
1. Create a simple social story to define and explain what is expected during trick or treating.

Ideas to include:
- People will be dressed in costumes that will cover their face- you may not know who people really are.
- People may try to scare you (scream, say boo, jump out at you), this is the "tricky" part of trick-or-treat
- When you ring the doorbell to trick-or-treat, you wait on the porch for the candy- you do not go into the person's home.
- You accept the candy, whether you like it or not. You can always trade for a preferred candy when you return home.
- Always say thank you when someone offers you candy
- Do not eat anything until it is checked by an adult
- Initiate imaginative play schemes involving "trick-or-treating" the weeks before as a practice (a good reason to try out the costume!)

2. Review safety rules before leaving the house and consider putting the rules on a cue card to reference throughout the night.
Stay with an adult
Stay in a lit area
Avoid cars and the street
Do not eat anything until it is checked by an adult

3. Trick-or-treating at the mall has several benefits. It keeps the distant short, removes the danger of darkness as well as the need for bulky clothes necessary to stay warm outside. It's also a good way to control any unexpected events that can be accompanied with trick-or-treating in the dark. Some towns have alternative options close by as well.

4. Remember, trick-or-treating may not be successful, but there are other fun Halloween options! Handing out the candy can be just as fun! Watching Halloween-themed movies is an option as well. Be positive and flexible!

5. Another alternative to trick-or-treating, try inviting a friend for a Halloween-themed play date, some options are:
Make and decorate Halloween cookies
Carve/Paint pumpkins
A hayride and hot chocolate!
Laser tag, roller skating or glow bowling
Host a Halloween party with bobbing for apples, pin the tail on the cat, or Guess-that-Goop!


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