Back to School for Good

Back to School
If you are a school administrator, business owner or otherwise responsible for people interacting together in the same space, check this out!!!  Jess Thompson, M.Ed, BCBA drew on lots of research to put together advice for establishing proper social distancing protocols, and more importantly, the following diligence and systems that keeps folks following those protocols to keep people healthy, happy and moving forward.

Here at Constellations Behavioral Services, everything we do is based on Applied Behavior Analysis or ‘ABA’ for short. ABA is the science of applying experimentally based principles to improve social behaviors. Those behaviors are defined in observable and measurable terms – with data-driven methods being deployed to demonstrate accountability.

Through focused, purposeful repetition and reinforcement of individually-tailored goals – ABA helps make the neurological connection for the learner – allowing them to create new pathways for better communication, enhanced play skills, and improved social interaction. Because the spectrum of autism and other developmental delays is extremely large, each program is created to specifically fit the needs of each, individual learner.

So what does all this mean to you?

As behavior analysts, ABA allows us to use hard data – proof, if you will – to determine the kind of therapy your child needs. It helps tell us how your child is progressing, which areas are in need of further development and allows us to definitively identify areas where we might need to change course. We also use the data to help provide you with the tools you’ll need in order to reinforce the therapy in outside environments and better manage their behavior.

To learn more about how ABA can benefit your child, be sure to check out our “How ABA Can Help” page by clicking here. If you’d like to set up an appointment or schedule an assessment, give us a call at (800) 778-5560 today or contact us via our online contact form by going here.
first day of school. aba in school.

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